Quick Report For Delphi Xe2 Professional Property

When you purchase QuickReport Pro you will be able to download releases for all these IDEs plus previous versions of QR. You also have access to the end-user report design component available for use with Quickreport 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Delphi and C++ Builder. You can buy an upgrade to the latest version, Quickreport 6 from versions 3, 4 or 5 Professional. Strange talk cast away free download. You cannot upgrade from the free Standard version that was previously given away free of charge. Quickreport is an add-on for multi-platform development system.

Quick Report For Delphi Xe2 Professional Property

– Report Design – QuickReport is a complete Delphi Writer that is fully integrated with Delphi and the C ++ Builder, reports in the Delphi IDE environment using the Form Designer IDE, just like a Report Designer, They are designed.

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