Karta Napryazhenij Usilitelya Amfiton

Some hybrid circuits may contain monolithic ICs, particularly (MCM) hybrid circuits. Hybrid circuits are often encapsulated in, as shown in the photo. The advantage of hybrid circuits is that components which cannot be included in a monolithic IC can be used, e.g., capacitors of large value, wound components, crystals, inductors. A hybrid circuit serves as a component on a PCB in the same way as a monolithic; the difference between the two types of devices is in how they are constructed and manufactured. Buku persamaan ic dan transistor amplifier circuits diagram.

Ada Ciganlija proudly bears the name of “Belgrade Sea”. Green, clean, equipped and relaxed, it becomes the favourite spot of Belgraders with the first signs of the spring sun. From the early mornings until late into the night, Ada Ciganlija is always lively.

Ada Ciganlija was, in fact, turned into a peninsula by human hands, surrounded by an embankment and bounded by the Sava River on one and the Sava Lake on the other side. It has a surface area of approximately 800 hectares and is awarded with the Blue Flag, international recognition for the quality of the beach second year in.

Karta Napryazhenij Usilitelya Amfiton

Search routes, roads on map. You could change yellow markers to change directions.