Hack De Teleport Tantra Extreme Bot

Apr 14, 2018 This hack is more noticeable in WvW thanks to the cloaking waters. I use cloaking waters to gain 15 seconds of stealth in my warrior, then while I am in stealth, I use bulls charge on someone that is unaware of a warrior in stealth. I have noticed that many people evade or teleport.
For the record, the guy was of course immediately banned. Let me also explain our speed hack protection a bit. • Speed is one of the few things you can not constantly let the server verify • If you would you would have lots of rubber banding • especially in a game like ours where prediction is harder due to 180° direction changes in an instant • So what we do in retrospective is that we check if the player was allowed to go where he went. Right now we are just recording these penalties. • We need to have people look manually at cases cause there is still interpretation needed since sometimes wrong information can be caused by lag. • We hope that we can automate the process by the end of the year!
Keep in mind! • You just see someone speed hacking -> Email the name (very often they are gone to fast) to • If you record it its ofc instant perma ban within the next hours. Pretty much this. Supposedly when you zoom clicking to move out of regular range will report to the server that you want to move to that spot so supposedly they will know what you are zoomed out and can ban.
No idea if it's true as I don't want to touch that shit. Speedbotters and teleporters have been banned in the past but it seems to be a manual process. Same site has a bot that will teleport you from node to node and mine it with max mining speed then teleport over and over. This is basically how the farmers are getting silver/gold to sell. Avtokad 2013 otkrivaetsya i srazu zakrivaetsya.
The bot maker actually advertises how well it can run multiple instances of the game etc and their discord if full of happy customers.I really hope that there is a banwave so I can enjoy all the delicious tears in that discord when they get banned. Watching tears from banned boters is one of my guilty pleasures.
- среда 06 февраля
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