Best Cc Ide For Mac

I've just started a job where I'm programming in C on a Mac, which is my first experience using a Mac for development. Enlightenment the only revolution by osho pdf download For now I'm using Xcode as my editor, then using make/gcc/svn at the command line for compiling and source control.

Is there a good, full featured IDE out there for Macs that will compile C code (something comparable to VS would be ideal), or should I stick with these low level tools? EDIT: so I called Xcode a 'low level tool' because I was under the impression that it was just a text editor for code, like gvim. I will definitely look into it's compiling/source control features. Obviously 'good' is a subjective decision, but Xcode 3.2 is certainly up to par with what you can do in VisualStudio (if one considers VS good, is another thing of course). I have a project with 250000+ lines of codes, 10 dylibs, helpfile, all in an SVN (Perforce) etc. And hardly ever go outside Xcode.

Xcode has a few peculiar ways to do some things and the debugger is not quite as powerful as the current one in VisualStudio, but overall there's hardly anything you can not do from within the IDE (and the options to adjust the shortcuts within the IDE, Debugger and Editor to your needs are really awesome).

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Greetings glossywhite. Heres an incomplete list of Mac OS X softwares scroll down and you will see the IDE list. EDIT LOL i actually forgot to include the list im sorry man here its. An IDE for C/C++ developers with Mylyn integration. Mac OS X (Cocoa) 32-bit Mac OS X (Cocoa) 64-bit Linux 32-bit Linux 64-bit. Downloaded 11,529.