La Derniere Femme 1976 Torrent

After having attended a film festival in Creteil (a posh suburb of Paris), I accidentally got a chance to watch 'La derniere femme' on big screen. This invigorating experience took me in a not so distant past to a nice place called Creteil circa 1976.
The good news is this movie features some gratuitous nudity from the beauteous Italian actress Ornella Muti. The bad news is it features far, far more gratuitous nudity from the not-so-beauteous and quite corpulent French actor Gerard Depardieu.

This is another slice of Italo-Gallic insanity from director Marco Ferreti. It somewhat resembles his later, more famous film 'Ciao, Monkey', but instead of a baby monkey, Depardieu's character has a chubby human baby. But like the monkey in the later film, the male baby is largely a metaphor for the perpetual narcissistic infantilism of Depardieu's character.
Depardieu plays a single father whose feminist wife leaves him alone with their small baby. This doesn't slow down his inveterate womanizing,however, and he soon starts an affair with a young daycare teacher (Muti).
It's a little disturbing, especially by modern-day standards, the way Depardieu and Muti engage in naked foreplay pretty much right in front of the baby (although they do have the decency to go into the next room to actually screw). Children that young have little memory, however, so I'm sure the infant actor was much less traumatized by Depardiue's bloated nude body than I was. Anyway, there's a lot of melodrama involving the Depardieu character's continuing compulsive infidelities and his feelings of male irrelevancy in the face of feminism and female sexual liberation.
In fact, if the male organ with its insatiable appetites, extreme insecurities, and fickle nature somehow became an actual person it would be just like Depardieu's character in this movie. (So basically, Depardieu here plays a big chubby dick). As other reviewers have said,the end of this movie is quite shocking-- Depardieu is harpooned by Captain Ahab and he drags him, his ship, and his entire crew to the bottom of the ocean.. Oh wait, that was 'Moby Dick'.
Well, the end of this movie is even more shocking, especially if you're male. Depardieu does give a very good performance, so I certainly would recommend this to his fans. Muti is not as good (but, oh man, is she beautiful), and this film really marks her transition to the kind of daring art films she is best known for (and without which she'd be a forgotten Italian version of Brooke Shields today) And whatever you can say about Marco Ferreti's films, they're definitely NOT dull.
This not great, but check it out if it sounds interesting to you.
1h 52min Drama Director: Marco Ferreri Writers: Marco Ferreri, Rafael Azcona Stars: Gerard Depardieu, Ornella Muti, Michel Piccoli Ο Gerard (Gerard Depardieu) είναι ένας μηχανικός που πρόσφατα τον παράτησε η γυναίκα του για φεμινιστικούς λόγους, και τον άφησε με ένα μωρό. Όταν μετά από καιρό συνάψει σχέση με την Valerie (Ornella Muti) θα απειληθεί η κηδεμονία του γιου του, γεγονός που θα τον φέρει στα άκρα. Δειτε εδω με ενσωματωμενους υποτιτλους (Openload) (Vidoza) (Streamango) Δείτε την ταινία σε η υποτιτλοι εξωτερικοι.πατηστε το CC για να εμφανιστουν.
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Vrs Ratings:6.8 15/8/2017 Θέση: 2.
- воскресенье 27 января
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