Kommercheskoe Predlozhenie Po Razrabotke Kotlovana Obrazec

Total 1321659 links on 14 Feb 19. This is a list of titles, by which our users could found a posts. Each title it is a separate search query. You can to extend the Index, if you add a link to the your post in telegra.ph thru the search input, or just still search on TelegCrack! _CONTEXT_: Recently, more and more developer communities are abandoning their legacy support forums, moving onto Stack Overflow. The motivations are.

Shaving can be a tricky business. There’s a reason it’s considered an art, and it mostly has to do with all of the things that could potentially go wrong when you put a metal blade on your skin. Enter a new kind of razor called “Skarp.” It’s the brainchild of two Swedish men who are working to use the power of light to make the hair fall out of your face. A few decades ago, founder Morgan Gustavsson invented the intense pulse light technology that has been used in laser hair removal treatments.

But until recently, scientists were only able to easily remove dark hairs. Now, he and his partner Paul Binun have identified a part of hair molecules, called chromophore, that can be targeted effectively across any hair type. The two men launched a to utilize this new technology in a slim, no-frills laser razor. Gustavsson and Binun’s campaign has already far exceeded its initial $160,000 goal—with 20 days to go, they’ve surpassed the $800,000 mark. It’s no surprise that men are signing up for a piece of technology that promises no irritation and a close shave.

If all goes as planned, you could be the proud owner of one of the laser razors as early as March of 2016.


Blizkie slova:  (1.00) (1.00) (1.00) (0.60) (0.50) coBOL 1> ( common Business-Oriented Language) KOBOL. Yazyk programmirovaniya, razrabotannyi KODASIL ( coDASYL) dlya ekonomicheskih zadach. Huawei b593s 22. KOBOL otlichaetsya razvitymi sredstvami raboty s failami i formoi zapisi, priblizhennoi k angliiskomu yazyku. CoBOL 1> _inform. KOBOL, yazyk programmirovaniya dlya kommercheskih i delovyh zadach coDASYL 1> ( conference on Data System Languages) KODASIL.

Organizaciya, kuriruemaya Ministerstvom oborony SShA, i zanimayushayasya razrabotkoi standartnyh sredstv dlya obrabotki ekonomicheskoi informacii, v pervuyu ochered', svyazannyh s yazykom KOBOL. 2> Razrabotannyi KODASIL standart na arhitekturu i yazykovoi interfeis setevyh sistem upravleniya bazami dannyh.

CoEM commercial Original Equipment Manufacturer coGO coordinate Geometry (Programming Language) coI Central Office of Information noun Central'noe upravlenie informacii coM command (file name extension) coM1 First serial Port (asynchronous port) coM2 Se cond serial Port coM3 Third serial Port coM4 Fourth serial Port coMAL 1> ( common Algorithmic Language) yazyk programmirovaniya, ispol'zuemyi v ryade Evropeiskih stran dlya obucheniya programmirovaniyu. CoMDEX computer Dealers Exposition coNFIG configuration coRAL 1> Algolopodobnyi yazyk programmirovaniya, razrabotannyi i primenyaemyi v organizaciyah ministerstva oborony Velikobritanii (ot computer On-Line Real-time Applications Language).

CoRBA common Object Request Broker Architecture, edinaya arhitektura programmy-brokera ob'ektnyh zaprosov (sostavnaya chast' OMA) co-op. Co-operative Society noun Kooperativnoe obshestvo co. Company noun obshestvo, kompaniya, tovarishestvo co.

County noun grafstvo (administrativnaya edinica) coast Guard 1> _am. Morskaya pogranichnaya ohrana, beregovaya ohrana coca- cola 1> koka-kola cocaigne 1> Kokein, skazochnaya strana izobiliya i prazdnosti (v srednevekovyh legendah) 2> _iron. 'strana Kokni', bedneishaya chast' Londona cockaigne 1> Kokein, skazochnaya strana izobiliya i prazdnosti (v srednevekovyh legendah) 2> _iron. 'strana Kokni', bedneishaya chast' Londona cockayne 1> Kokein, skazochnaya strana izobiliya i prazdnosti (v srednevekovyh legendah) 2> _iron.