Klimov Kniga Nanoplazmonika

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Klimov V V Nanoplazmonika (M.: Fizmatlit, 2009); Klimov V Nanoplasmonics. Nanostruktur i Nanomaterialov (M.: KomKniga, 2006); Abramchuk N S i dr.
'This book is timely and provides the most up-to-date concepts for experts in nanoplasmonics. It is also a good starting point for students who wish to learn about nanoplasmonics for the first time.
The author is one of the leaders in the field and is ideally positioned to present this comprehensive volume. This book will play an important role in taking the subjects of nano-optics, nanoplasmonics, and metamaterials to new heights of invention and application. The information, recipes, and processes in the text can be immediately useful in the fast-paced realms of both theoretical and experimental investigations. Every researcher in nanoplasmonics should all have a copy of this book on the bookshelf.' Shalaev, Purdue University, USA'This book provides a lucid introduction to the field of optics of nanoparticles and nanostructures, including all the necessary background and a comprehensive review of this new area in the optics. Professor Klimov, a world-leading expert in nano-optics, nanoplasmonics, and metamaterials, has skillfully developed a volume that will be important for both experts and students just entering the exciting field of nanoplasmonics and metamaterials.
This book will certainly find a place within easy reach on my shelf.' Prokhorov Institute of General Physics, Russia'Overall, this book is very appropriate for graduate students, scientists, and engineers, either beginning to explore the field or already engaged in the research area. The scope of contents, quality of graphics, and clarity of the mathematical descriptions are very satisfactory to the reviewers. Therefore, we can recommend this book to readers who are interested in the field of nanoplasmonics.'
-Jae Yong Suh and Yoke Khin Yap of Michigan Technological University, USA Read more.
Fighter aircraft Yak-9 Yak-9U N1157H (Yak-9UM) at Reno, USA Role Fighter National origin Manufacturer OKB Designer First flight Summer 1942 Introduction October 1942 Primary user Produced 1942–1948 Number built 16,769 Developed from The Yakovlev Yak-9 was a single- used by the in and after. Fundamentally a lighter development of the with the same armament, it arrived at the front at the end of 1942. The Yak-9 had a lowered rear fuselage decking and all-around vision canopy.
Its lighter airframe gave the new fighter a flexibility that previous models had lacked. The Yak-9 was the most mass-produced Soviet fighter of all time. It remained in production from 1942 to 1948, with 16,769 built (14,579 during the war). Towards the end of the war, the Yak-9 was the first Soviet aircraft to shoot down a jet. Following World War II, it was used by the during the. Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • Design and development [ ] The Yak-9 represented further development of the successful fighter, a production version of the lightened Yak-7DI, taking full advantage of the combat experience with its predecessor.
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Greater availability of allowed for lighter construction which in turn permitted a number of modifications to the basic design. Yak-9 variants carried two different wings, five different engines, six different fuel tank combinations and seven types of armament configurations. Yak-9U [ ] In December 1943, it became possible to install the more powerful M-107 engine on a new airframe: the engine mounting was new with individual faired exhaust pipes; fuselage structure and wings were made of metal and the whole aircraft was covered with a skin. Fuel capacity was increased to 400 l (106 US gal). In order to re-balance the model, the wing was repositioned four inches forward and in order to improve pitch control, the horizontal tail surfaces were slightly reduced.
The rear part of the canopy was lengthened and the antenna cable was moved inside it. Usual armament was a 20 mm (0.79 in) with 120 rounds firing through a hollow propeller shaft and a 12.7 mm (0.50 in) machine gun with 170 rounds. The State trials took place from January to April 1944. They revealed a clear superiority in top speed over all other fighters in service on the Eastern front, up to 6,000 m (19,685 ft). The aircraft was simple to fly and stable. Unfortunately, the problems with the M-107A engine and all the M-105 variants from which it derived, persisted: overheating, oil leaks, loss of pressure in climbs, intense vibrations, burning-out of and a short engine life.
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