Bsmultitool Exe Download

This application helps repair Registry errors, online histories, and activities, but no summary of the repairs is shown. The PC Multi-Tool has a straightforward interface presented by six tab menus.
The program can scan and cleanup all history and Internet activities, and users can view the total space it occupied before and after cleaning. The application also scans and cleans Registry errors. Unfortunately, the application does not give a summary of what repairs were made, leaving users to wonder if it did anything at all. It also has a spyware search and cleanup feature, but it is disabled in this trial version. In the system information tab, users can view computer details including the operating system and network connection. Despite its limitations, intermediate computer users who want to delete unwanted files and speed up system performance will find The PC Multi-Tool efficient.
How to download bsmultitool exe files to my device? Click download file button or Copy bsmultitool exe URL which shown in textarea when you clicked file title, and paste it into your browsers address bar. If file is multipart don't forget to check all parts before downloading! What's BSMultiTool.exe Error? File with EXE extension is an executable file that used to run your associated applications on your computer system, it also contains some other resources like the Windows related icons, but maps and do on.
• Introduction This is a little tool I made for School Idol Festival (android version) that allows you to easily manage your multiple accounts and log into the game with one of your accounts in a single click. I only tested this in the Bluestacks emulator, but it should also work on a real device. NOTE: the binaries are packed with UPX to minimize the size, and some anti-viruses might give you a false positive (although it's very unlikely). Requirements Before you attempt using this tool, make sure you have the.
If it still doesn't work, try. Also, your emulator or device needs to be rooted. The program also relies on adb, but I have shipped adb with the binaries so it should be fine. First time set-up (you can ignore this if you already have xposed + rootcloak and skip to WiFi ADB) • Install the Xposed Framework (version 2.4.1) on your device/emulator.
If you're doing this on a real device, you need to simply install the apk. If you're using the Bluestacks emulator, you will need to download BSMultiTool from which also includes a version of bluestacks that is guaranteed to work (in the Installation folder). I highly recommend that you use the included version of bluestacks and root it by following. Once you have BSMultiTool, copy the xposed apk you downloaded earlier to the 'Root Files' folder in BSMultiTool's folder and run BSMultiTool. Select the 'X' option (xposed) and follow the instructions. • Start the Xposed app and click Install/Update. • Once it's done, click soft reboot.
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• Install on your device/emulator. • Open Xposed and click Modules. • Tick 'RootCloak [1.3]'. • Open RootCloak. • Go to Add/Remove Apps. • Click the + sign in the top right. • Scroll down to SchoolIdol ( and tap it.
• Reboot your device/emulator and make sure that the game still starts without any errors. If not, double check the first time set-up instructions. • Install 'WiFi ADB' from the app store and make sure your device / emulator is connected to the internet through the same network as your computer. • Start WiFi ADB and turn the switch on.
Usage: (note: this assumes that you already know how multi-accounting works and you have all your renamed GameEngineActivity.xml's in a folder) (warning: this tool is designed not to erase your xml's but you should still make a back-up and save your transfer codes in case something goes wrong) • Start llsif_launcher and insert the full path of the folder where you stored your xml's on your device. • Click Load. • Double click the desired xml or select and click start. • The tool will automatically create a symbolic link to your xml and start the game without renaming or moving any file. • You can quickly terminate the game by clicking 'Kill'. Advanced Users: If for some reason you don't want to use WiFi ADB or you need to change the ip it connects to because you want to use it on a real device, you can change the ConnectCommand parameter in settings.ini Troubleshooting: If the tool can't seem to get the file list and you're 100% sure the path you provided is correct, try running fix_adb.bat and trying again. It will reset the adb connection.
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