Banax Kaigen 1000 Manual Downloads

> Author Message Capt.Barbosa Ol'Salt Joined: Oct 17, 2006 Posts: 771 Location: Oak Island, Chapel Hill, NC Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 9:57 pm Post subject: Daiwa Tanacom 1000 or Banax Kaigen 1000 Just wanted to see if anyone had any first hand experience with either electric assist reels. Want to know the good and bad. Both are similar in price, but right now i can get the daiwa for 100 bucks cheaper than the kaigen. There is a write up on THT about how much better the kaigen is than the daiwa. Thanks in advance Last edited by Capt.Barbosa on Thu Aug 04, 2016 1:47 am; edited 1 time in total Matador Ol'Salt Joined: Jan 23, 2010 Posts: 4130 Location: Johnston County, NC Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 12:04 am Post subject: I have two tanacom 1000 reels on custom built black hole rods. I have had no problems with the reels.
Download 3d sex villa 2 everlust crack. INSTRUCTION MANUAL. E High Technology Electric Reel. Thank you for buying electric reel of BANAX. Please be aware of the instructions. Banax Kaigen K 1000. Specifications:- Black anodized aliminum diecasting frame- Power on/off and speed control available by speed lever- Alu, nautical.
They have also been used to commercial fish as well. If you want more drag, simply upgrade the drag washers. I can get you the drag washer information.
I also have a commercial buddy that fishes snapper- grouper complex using daiwa power assist reels. He has used them several years. If the reels sucked he would have trashed them a long time ago. I know nothing about Kaigen. _________________ Matador 2200 NauticStar Tournament You can lead a horse to water but you cant make him THINK. Wavescrash Ol'Salt Joined: Jun 26, 2006 Posts: 3597 Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 1:32 am Post subject: what are you looking to do with them?
Capt.Barbosa Ol'Salt Joined: Oct 17, 2006 Posts: 771 Location: Oak Island, Chapel Hill, NC Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 1:54 am Post subject: Plan on using them to bottom fish/deep drop for grouper, snapper and tiles. Probably not much deeper than 1000-1200 ft. Not going after swords, but i think brant caught his sword on a daiwa tacacom bull.
I think it overheated and shut down a couple times, but thats the nice thing about still being able to hand crank. Wavescrash Ol'Salt Joined: Jun 26, 2006 Posts: 3597 Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 2:17 am Post subject: It should be fine for that. I would go MP3000 or one of the heavier duty ones if you are planning on doing much swordfishing. Daniel Simmon's 409 was caught on the MP3000.
Brant's 150 was on the TB1000 because that's what he had, but he said would go heavier if getting something specifically for swords. Werewolf0711 Ol'Salt Joined: Jun 20, 2011 Posts: 3011 Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 12:17 pm Post subject: Lots of folks have many more hours on the tanacom so when you research you may find more bad reviews. But the reviews I have seen on the banax is top notch. Theres a guy on tht that sells them and stands behind them very heavily.
I hope to add a tanacom. _________________ 2011 SEAHUNT Gamefish 25 TWIN 150 Yamahas McAttacK Team Kraken JB Custom Rods Check US out on Facebook! Capt.Barbosa Ol'Salt Joined: Oct 17, 2006 Posts: 771 Location: Oak Island, Chapel Hill, NC Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 12:44 pm Post subject: Yeah waves the MP3000 is bad A, and the LP s1200 is even better. But I am on a budget, and want to stay under a grand. Yeah wolf I have been talking with that guy that sales the kaigen, great guy and very knowledgeable.
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